AdSense: Is your revenue declining?

Let's have a look at the steps you can complete to understand the reason. I will ask you three questions that will help you to understand the change in your earnings. 

Question one, do you know how your account performs historically? 

Go to your reports and choose the last 90 days to analyze your events. Look at whether you made any changes in Settings, and all blocking controls because recent changes in the account may result in revenue fluctuations. In addition to events in your reporting, it is also important to keep seasonality in mind. 

Question two, have you compared platforms in reporting? 

Users accessing your site from different devices may have different revenue trends. When analyzing your reports, click on Platforms to understand the main platform driving the revenue decline. For instance, a drop on mobile only might indicate Implementation, low-spaced speed, and so on. You can also compare ad units within specific platforms by adding platforms as a secondary breakdown in the reports, which will provide you further insights. 

Question three, have you found which metric drives the decline in revenue?

Revenue is calculated by multiplying click-through rate, cost per click, and impressions. So a change in any of these will be impacting your total revenue. That is why we recommend you to add them in your reporting and to check these metrics separately. To summarise, ask yourself these three questions to understand why your revenue is declining.

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