How to create and edit playlists on your mobile device

To create a playlist, tap the Library button at the bottom of your screen. Then under Playlists, tap 'New playlist'. From here, you'll be asked to add videos. If you don't want to add videos from your recently watched list you can still click Next and add videos later. Once you tap Next, you'll be asked to create a title for your playlist and select your privacy setting. Then press Create to publish your playlist. 

Once your playlist is created, you can continue to add videos to it. Once you find a video you want to add, tap the Save icon below the video. You can add it to 'Watch later', to an existing playlist or you can create a new playlist. To make changes to an existing playlist, tap into it and then press the pencil icon. You can update the playlist title, description and privacy options. If you're using iOS, once you're finished making changes tap the tick icon. If you'd like to delete a playlist, tap the bin icon. Then tap Delete to remove the playlist from your library. 

If you're on an Android device, once you're finished making changes press the send icon. If you'd like to delete a playlist, click the three dots in the corner then select 'Delete playlist' and then tap Delete to remove the playlist from your library. 

You can also choose to save playlists created by someone else. When you're on the playlist screen, tap the save icon to save it to your library. To get to your created and saved playlists, tap the Library tab. You can sort alphabetically or by recently added. Saved playlists will show the creator's name under the playlist title. Note, you won't be able to edit saved playlists. And that's it. 

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