Marvel Daredevil Announcement Breakdown and Spider-Man No Way Home Deleted Scenes

 Recently charlie cox was talking more about coming back as a daredevil and Matt Murdock in the MCU and what Marvel has planned for the character next as well as talking more about coming back in spider-man no way home there are a couple monster-sized deleted scenes of daredevil from spider man no way home and the bonus features so we'll talk about those too during the video there were a bunch of kingpins deleted scenes during hawkeye that you probably saw as well that'll tie in with this so I'll reference those too and if all those deleted scenes weren't enough marvel's also releasing a bunch of super bowl trailers this weekend.

Recently this past week you may have seen charlie cox talking about his future as daredevil Matt Murdock in the MCU he's really excited about this he did this big fan convention where he talks about doing more crossovers and doing more legit daredevil episodes like a daredevil revival series this is  him talking about that

"i feel so lucky to have been cast in that role and it and it is the gift that keeps on giving i loved every single minute of making the show so to be honest to come back and to be involved in any capacity is absolutely thrilling to me and i hope you know i don't want to sound greedy but i hope i get to do loads more i hope i get to be involved way way more for many years i hope it never ends  i hope it gets to the point where people are like you're too old to be playing this part um so look and and i  don't know what their plans are but yes my hope is that i get to do as much as much as i as i'm allowed to do and to be involved and and you know be really fun the one thing that being in the mcu allows that we couldn't really do in the with the netflix stuff is that i can now interact with other mcu characters um so i'd like that would be really cool crossovers would be really is the thing i would like to do next i don't know what that looks like and i don't know what you know what they're planning and all that kind of stuff but you know that that's there are some really interesting stories there that i would like to i'd love for the character to explore" 

The funny thing about charlie cox is that he's been like this for the last couple of years ever since they canceled the daredevil Netflix series and people were theorizing that he would come into the MCU there were rumors about it he was saying all the same stuff like I would love to come back this is so amazing I will play this character till I die they'll have to force me to stop playing daredevil but he is being a little misleading with some of his comments in this clip he actually does know more about where daredevil is going to appear in the MCU next but obviously the big thing here is that he's hyping up MCU crossovers with other big characters and recently tom holland was also saying that he wanted to do more spider-man digital crossovers which would probably happen in spider-man 4. 

It would be more likely that they do that than they have spider-man show up during a new marvel daredevil series on disney plus currently this is how marvel has mapped out the marvel phase 4 story arc for daredevil with charlie cox starting with spider man no way home and i'll also mention kingpin during this too because a lot of what's happening with kingpin was happening around the same time that we were seeing daredevil so it starts in spider man no way home the majority of that movie takes place before hawkeye in the timeline but both of them do end during the same christmas holiday period because the ending scene of spider-man swinging around in the new costume shows the christmas tree in rockefeller center on the ice rink has not been destroyed by hawkeye kate bishop and elena bolova yet you have to picture the two of them running around fighting the tracksuit bros and elena bulova kingpin in the background while spider-man is swinging around the city in the new suit here don't leave eleanor come here let's talk during spider-man no way home daredevil shows up to help peter parker with his mysterio problem the lawsuit damage control is trying to bring against him happy hogan the rest of them all the spider man no way home daredevil deleted scenes are related to this subplot the first one is an extended version of the interrogation scene when they're being grilled by damage control i believe daredevil shows up at the end of that to take their case and to help them out then they all go back to aunt may's old apartment together and that's when they have the scene of him catching the brick using his abilities telling peter he's a really good lawyer and then tells happy hogan he will definitely need to find himself a really good lawyer there's also a second daredevil deleted scene in the movie where they pay that scene off and it's more of happy hogan with his very good lawyer quote unquote matt murdock. 

So two daredevil deleted scenes the funny thing about this is that john favreau himself was in the ben affleck daredevil movie as that version of foggy nelson listen this eyewitnesses say that quesada was singled out by the demonic vigilante known as the daredevil i don't know why you read that trash i've been hearing stories about this guy for years there's gonna be something to it what like the alligators and the sewers there are alligators in the sewers don't write my ass about the alligators i got a friend in sanitation okay so there's this real daredevil meta thing going on between these two different versions of daredevil being brought together but then after that in the background while spider-man is busy dealing with the multiverse problem between the time jump at the end of the film when they're at aunt may's grave together matt murdock wound up helping happy avoid serious jail time then next a little bit later in the timeline daredevil is going to cross over in the she-hulk episodes as another lawyer who knows jennifer walters after she becomes she-hulk she continues to be a lawyer defending superheroes which is also something daredevil does they both live and work in the new york city area by day in our vigilantes on the side by night so it makes sense that they would run into each other during those episodes and reportedly daredevil will be in multiple she-hulk episodes it won't just be a quick cameo kingpin is not supposed to appear in she-hulk he won't come back till the maya lopez echo series that marvel just revealed even though the way they played his ending very ambiguously they made you think that she killed him at the end of hawkeye he is not dead that moment was right out of the comics she just winds up blinding him temporarily with the shot sometimes family doesn't see eye you probably saw a bunch of hawkeye kingpin deleted scenes in your feeds recently that helped explain more of what's going on with kingpin in the mcu right now helped set up the maya lopez echo series i'll do videos for all of them later this week when they start releasing them. 

But after she-hulk both daredevil and kingpin are supposed to be main characters in all those echo episodes supposedly that series is supposed to be like an unofficial daredevil season 4 and they'll bring back more of the daredevil netflix characters for that but then after the echo series marvel is reportedly going to develop a full-blown daredevil revival series on disney plus like we've all been asking for like just give us a new daredevil series or some sort of continuation of the daredevil netflix series on disney plus by that time they'll have already revealed what his new mcu daredevil costumes look like multiple costumes there are reports that marvel's gonna put him in a version of the yellow costume at some point during these upcoming episodes but he won't be going back to the original daredevil netflix version of the red costume they're doing a totally different version of that for the mcu probably trying to be a little bit more comic book accurate with it too even though i was a fan of the netflix version of the costume they're gonna be nine she-hulk episodes and they're supposed to come this year after the moon night episodes i'm not expecting daredevil to be in any of the trailers remember how we all knew the kingpin was going to be in hawkeye elena bulova too but they waited to show both of them in the trailers until the last possible second it's probably going to be the same thing with daredevil and she-hulk issues that we're gonna get way more of daredevil in she-hulk than we got of kingpin in the hawkeye episodes they aren't gonna wait to like the last two episodes of she-hulk for him to show up for those of you asking if the events of the daredevil netflix series are now canon to the mcu vincent d'onofrio said that he was playing the same version of kingpin during the hawkeye episodes and he was wearing the exact same cufflinks that he wore in the daredevil netflix series those belong to his father by the way that was the significance of them that was why he was so obsessed with the cufflinks here's the way that kevin feige treats that kind of stuff every single second of every netflix series episode for all those characters and the expanded characters will not totally be canon but a giant chunk of it is now canon like some of it but not all of it like the undertaking is probably not going to be canon to the mcu now from the defender series and when marvel does a new version of iron fist in the mcu it'll probably be totally different from what we saw in the netflix series totally different actor totally different vibe for the character there are rumors that kristen ritter is going to come back as jessica jones during she-hulk and they'll treat the character the same way they did with daredevil and spider-man no way home. 

And kingpin during hawkeye no but it's sort of like a one character at a time situation they do this with star wars all the time with dave filoni and john favreau plucking stuff out of legends and making it cannon again where is your master where is grand admiral thrawn it is funny seeing rosario dawson after playing night nurse in the daredevil netflix series in the marvel universe now showing up in the live-action star wars universe she can still come back as night nurse just because she's in star wars doesn't mean she can't also do future mcu stuff i'll talk more specifically about canon timelines for the character's backstory with avengers end game the snap the blip when we see more footage of them in the upcoming shows but just generally i do not think that daredevil got snapped mike coulter says he has not been contacted about coming back as luke cage in any capacity and he's doing a bunch of other tv shows right now so it seems like he's booked up but that doesn't mean netflix luke cage won't come back the only character that i think they'll flat out just reboot reimagine completely from the ground up will be netflix iron fist. 

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