SONY Spiderman Accountments Breakdown.

 There's still a lot of spider-man related stuff happening this year in the movies between the Morbius movie with all those Andrew Garfield toby Maguire tom holland spider-man easter eggs and crossover and spider-man across the spider-verse with miles morales but recently you probably saw sony announcing the new madame web spider-man movie with Dakota johnson.

She's not somebody one would have expected when we started hearing rumors about the movie last year there are a couple versions of the character but most of you are probably familiar with the one from spider-man the animated series from the 90s or from spider-man shattered dimensions way to go boss you did well spider-man i am proud of you the others can go home but there is one more place that you must visit where to now i think she means my reality what am i gonna find there more than you can ever imagine i don't believe what you're telling me in your reality i'm a character in fiction yep and i'm an actor who plays you on tv if you don't remember that episode it probably has my favorite stanley cameo of all time because he literally finds out that he's a fictional character inside a tv show instead of story the larger spider-man comics and goes to visit the real version of stan lee at marvel comics they would be like tom hall and spider-man finding out that he's a fictional character and then going to meet the real kevin feige inside marvel studios offices spider-man it's time to go who is that exotic lady oh her she's my ride i wonder how i'm supposed to get down from here in fun fact that version of madame web was actually voiced by stan lee's wife in real life i could still hear the theme song from that tv show in my head but during the events of those series subsequent games madame web acts as sort of a guardian of the multiverse or the spider-verse with powers over reality similar to the beyonder she tests different versions of spider-man to find a team that's capable of stopping multiverse villains in the spider-verse comics it's more about the different versions of spider-man from across the multiverse stopping the inheritors the tv show version of that plot was a little bit simpler with them all teaming up to stop a version of carnage.

Eecently during spider-man no way home toby maguire and andrew garfield's versions of spider-man just came back because the doctor strange's spell gone wrong the spell was only meant to change reality for the main mcu universe but because the way the spell worked relying on aspects of reality the doctor strange didn't fully understand yet yet that's going to happen during doctor strange multiverse of madness when spider-man messed the spell up the effects of the spell bled into the whole of reality everything in existence across the multiverse pulling in anyone to the main mcu universe who knew a version of peter parker was spider-man and that's how toby mcguire and andrew garfield wound up in the mcu along with their villains because both toby maguire's peter parker and andrew garfield's peter parker knew that they were also spider-man the reason why a billion different versions of peter parker spider-man didn't show up was because doctor strange contained the spell initially they started to pay that off though at the end when reality started to tear and you saw many characters showing up like they're all coming i can't stop it they overwrote that first spell with the second one which had the effect of sending all those characters back to where they came from it was sort of like a flex tape patch on reality recently you also probably saw the interviews where toby mcguire and andrew garfield both said that they would love to come back as their versions of spider-man and future movies toby mcguire specifically said that his plot in the movie in no way home left the door open for more stories in the future revisiting you know what what was part of my history and getting a chance to like come together and a way to revisit and just just to get to get back into that and i don't want to say like close the chapter but revisit and have certain resolutions um and and just join in this like loving creative spirit that's one of the reasons why he asked the no way home writers not to go too deep into his backstory after the events of spider-man 3 so that they could save that story for future movies but after no way home after the events of doctor strange multiverse of madness marvel and sony kind of need a new way to cross over between universes and during no way home doctor strange was already hardcore against messing with the multiverse with reality before everything went off the rails in the film you have to imagine that after doctor strange too when the multiverse goes even crazier that he'll be even more against doing something similar.

 And you also have to remember that all the tobey maguire and andrew garfield's spider man crossovers were only accidents he didn't bring them to the mcu on purpose in fact he was trying to prevent stuff like that from happening so marvel and sony just need another easy way for characters to cross over between universes in a way that won't break reality and make doctor strange really pissed off the easy solution that they have to this problem in the animated spider man across the spiderburst movie is spider man 2099's webware wristwatches that allow each of them to travel the web of life and destiny at will that's also right out of the comics too that's the way they use in the spider-verse comics for all the model crossover without breaking all of reality if you're not familiar with those comics or the web of life and destiny that's just another way for versions of spider-man to perceive the multiverse just because of their innate abilities but it's the same thing we saw with all the multiverse travel in spider man no way home it's just using different tools for traveling between universes in the announcement the sony and marvel made about the madame web movie they mentioned the original comic book version saying that because she was so different in the comics they are going to do something a little bit different with the character like doing a younger version of her dakota johnson obviously looks much younger than the old version of madame web that most people remember from spider man the animated series and if you never read those original madame web comic books in the comics she didn't have control over reality she couldn't travel the multiverse at will she was just more of a supernatural doctor strange type of version of spider-man it was more of a supernatural spin on spider-man's abilities like she had clairvoyance and prescience instead of the traditional spidey sense she had astral projection telepathy sony and marvel are saying that they'll be changing some of those things and it makes it sound like they're going to do more of a spider-verse shattered dimensions character evolution for her character like they're rolling hard on multiverse crossovers now in the future after spider-man no way home so they need a couple characters that can do that my expectation right now is that they'll just evolve her character the same way they evolved the venom character in his movies they'll start with a basic origin story using a bunch of spider-man easter eggs and references then eventually work up to full-blown multiverse crossover with versions of spider-man in these other sony spider-verse venomverse characters the spider-man no way home post-credits scene with venom is a good example that just teasing a bigger storyline for the multiverse in the movies even though he was only in the movie for a brief second and left a piece of the symbiote behind you get the idea they did a big multiverse spider-verse crossover with all the characters because sony's going to be the one making this madame web movie my assumption initially is that early on she'll mostly be crossing over with the other sony verse venomverse characters.

 And now that they've opened the door to spider-man variants different versions of peter parker with more on the way there'll be more versions of spider-man and spider-woman showing up eventually they have a bunch of movies planned sony now has their pick of the litter in terms of which version of spider-man that they start referencing in some of these movies so it doesn't always have to be tom holland's spider-man that was one of the things he's been talking about when he's been talking about his future as spider-man in the mcu movies could you would you do it again do you would you put the suit on if given the opportunity i mean i you know never say never i mean it's such it's it's a character that's always gonna be so meaningful to me and so beautiful to me and again it comes back to service you know i think if there's a way because that's what's that's what that character is all about he's all about serving the greater good and serving his fellow fellow people his fellow you know serving humanity and all life you know so if there's a way for me to continue to add to the legacy of that character in a way that feels like it's of service to an audience of service to the themes of you know the themes that stan lee kind of uh you know injected that character with i'm open of course i'm very very open the morbius movie is a good example of this lots of tobey maguire spider-man lots of andrew garfield spider-man and tom hall in spider-man easter eggs like literally somebody at sony said hey which version of spider-man should we reference and everybody turned around and just said yes like maximum spider-man easter eggs just put every spider-man easter egg you've ever heard of in this movie so we will start seeing more actual spider-man stuff going on in all these sony spin-off movies let me know in the comments though which versions of spider-man do you want to see in which of these movies.

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